Last Saturday, after work, we went for kindergarten-hunting for our precious son, Haqimie. A day before, I already called 2 kinders, one is Little Caliph and another was Pasti Little Mukmin.
The Little Caliph's (KD) owner, such a friendly person, I must say. But when I heard the fees, I was quite shocked. RM835 per annum (excluding monthly fee). So that means, if I were to enrol Haqimie, I must prepare a sum of almost 1k alone for his kindy. OMG, why la so mahal kan, like nak enrol masuk U pulak. Ades.... Tapi I consider to take a tour first. Then I called Pasti. the first number cannot be reached so I called the other number. But the receiver was not pleasant enough to my hearing. Macam malas nak jawab je.
So, we went to Little Caliph first. Yes, the environment was pleasant, plus the teacher (Puan Rohani is friendly). The syllabus offered also quite interesting, but I want to make a comparison first.
After that, we went to Pasti but it was closed.
Then, went to Genius Aulad in Section 8. Okay, cheaper than Little Caliph. But if to sum up, sama aje kosnya dengan Little Caliph. If I want to enrol Haqimie into LC, kena prepare around 600++ for kindy and nursery for both of them.
Tapi kalau GA pulak, still lebih kurang, even tho cheaper, tapi kena prepare untuk transportation pulak. So sama aje la.
Pasti is quite affordable for us. Monthly RM85 and reg fee is 400++. Still have to decide.
Later on, we went back home, took a bath, then off to MV to see the Xmas display that Papa's team had done. Hujan selebat-lebatnya masa on the way nak fetch Yus kat Pelangi.
Perut dah lapar giler, at that time dah 4 something, still tak lunch lagi. That morning I had Bihun Sup.
Sampai MV, Papa tanya nak makan akt Little Penang ke Madam Kwan. I never try MK before so I asked for it. Selalu tgk review orang so this time I wanna try Nasi Bojari myself, tempting tgk quarter of chicken tu.
So me ordered Nasi Bojari, Papa had Nasi Lemak, Yus had Kuey Tiow Soup. For drinks, we ordered Milo, Coffee and Teh Tarik. Overall, sedap la jugak and full until dinner. No pixies taken, sebab segan.
Sambung next entry.